Some thoughts and reflections on various aspects of Reiki and healing

 Uplevel Your Reiki Practice by Upgrading to Holy Fire Reiki

Uplevel Your Reiki Practice by Upgrading to Holy Fire Reiki

Today, I want to talk to you about an exciting journey that many of us in the Reiki community have embarked upon: the transition from Usui Reiki to Holy Fire Reiki. Trust me, it's a transformation worth considering, and I'm here to share why.

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My Personal Exploration of an Ethical Reiki Practice
Reiki, Tips for Reiki Healers Vickie Young Reiki, Tips for Reiki Healers Vickie Young

My Personal Exploration of an Ethical Reiki Practice

Stepping into the world of Reiki healing, I found myself drawn not only by its promise of holistic wellness but also by the profound ethical considerations that underpin this practice. As I began this life-changing journey, I discovered that being a Reiki healer entails more than just channeling healing energy; it requires a deep commitment to integrity, compassion, and respect.

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Suggestions on what to ask in your Akashic Record Consultation
Vickie Young Vickie Young

Suggestions on what to ask in your Akashic Record Consultation

An Akashic Record Consultation is a spiritual or metaphysical practice where an individual accesses the Akashic Records, believed to be a repository of past, present, and future information. When engaging in a consultation, asking open-ended questions that allow for deeper insights is essential. Here are some questions you might consider asking during our Akashic Record Consultation:

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