Suggestions on what to ask in your Akashic Record Consultation

An Akashic Record Consultation is a spiritual or metaphysical practice where an individual accesses the Akashic Records, believed to be a repository of past, present, and future information. When engaging in a consultation, it's essential to ask open-ended questions that allow for deeper insights. Here are some questions you might consider asking during our Akashic Record Consultation:

Life Purpose and Path:

- What is my primary life purpose in this incarnation?

- What steps can I take to align with my life purpose?

- How can I better understand and navigate my life path?


- What lessons am I meant to learn from my current relationships?

- How can I improve the harmony and understanding in my relationships?

- What karmic connections do I have with specific individuals?

Healing and Growth:

- Are there past-life experiences affecting my current well-being?

- What can I do to heal from specific physical or emotional challenges?

- What practices or therapies would be most beneficial for my personal growth?

Career and Finances:

- What career path aligns best with my soul's journey?

- How can I enhance my financial abundance in a way that aligns with my purpose?

- Are there past-life influences impacting my current career challenges?

Spiritual Development:

- How can I deepen my spiritual connection or practice?

- Are there spiritual gifts or abilities I should explore further?

- What guidance do my spirit guides have for my spiritual development?

Decision Making:

- What insights can you provide on a specific decision I'm currently facing?

- How can I overcome obstacles or challenges in my life?

- What opportunities are presenting themselves to me at this time?


- How can I better align with the energy of abundance and manifestation?

- Are there blockages preventing me from manifesting my desires?

- What intentions should I focus on for my highest good?

Personal Empowerment:

- How can I overcome self-limiting beliefs and fears?

- What strengths or talents should I embrace for personal empowerment?

- How can I step into my true authentic self more fully?

Remember that the effectiveness of an Akashic record consultation often depends on your openness to the experience. It's also important to approach the consultation with a sense of curiosity and a willingness to receive guidance in a non-judgmental manner. This is not fortune telling or a psychic reading.

**I suggest bringing a notebook to your session as the information comes in fast, and you might not remember it!


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