The Power of Reiki Guides in Your Healing Sessions

Are you a Reiki practitioner looking to enhance healing sessions and connect with spiritual guides? Reiki guides can be invaluable sources of wisdom and support during your practice. In this post, we'll explore how you can effectively utilize your Reiki guides in sessions with both yourself and your clients.

Meditation and Connection:

To start, connecting with your Reiki guides through meditation is essential. Find a quiet, peaceful space and clear your mind. Visualize a warm, welcoming light surrounding you, and then invite your guides to join you. You'll strengthen your connection and be better attuned to their presence with practice.

Self-Healing with Reiki Guides:

Your Reiki guides can assist in your own healing journey. When performing self-Reiki, ask for their guidance in identifying and addressing your own energy imbalances or emotional blockages. Trust in their wisdom and allow them to direct your energy to where it's needed most.

Assisting Clients with Reiki Guides:

Remember that your Reiki guides can provide insights and guidance during the session when working with clients. Before you begin, invite your guides to join you in helping your client's highest good. Pay attention to any intuitive feelings or messages you receive during the session, as these may be guidance from your guides.

Protection and Grounding:

Your Reiki guides can also offer protection and grounding for both yourself and your clients. Before each session, ask them to create a protective shield around you and your client to ensure a safe and positive energy exchange. Grounding can help you stay connected to the Earth's energy while working with higher frequencies.

Trust Your Intuition:

Above all, trust your intuition when working with your Reiki guides. They may communicate through feelings, symbols, or inner knowing. Don't second-guess yourself – your guides are there to support you.

By incorporating your Reiki guides into your healing sessions, you can take your practice to a deeper, more spiritual level, fostering a stronger connection to the energy of Reiki and promoting healing for yourself and your clients.


Your Personalized Reiki Journey Awaits!


Reiki is More Than a Luxury, its a Necessity for Well-being